Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Solo Release September 8, 2010!

My first solo release comes out September 8, 2010!
Loveyoudivine alterotica is releasing it as an e-story which will be available on their site and other outlets.
The story, The Marilyn Phase, is about a woman's summer fling in Palm Springs.
My love of Marilyn Monroe inspired this sizzling 40-page tale.
More details will follow...the where whens whys and hows....
Just wanted to share the exciting news!


1 comment:

Jeremy Edwards said...

Congrat-jole-ations! This is exciting news indeed!

The story, The Marilyn Phase, is about a woman's summer fling in Palm Springs.

You know what they say: Palm springs eternal on the human breasts. (Do I have that right?)